The digestive system is the one responsible for taking in food and water from the mouth and into the stomach where food is digested.  The digested food is further absorbed by the intestines and eventually excreted in the form of waste through the colon and rectum.  Several organs work simultaneously to pass food through the body in order to provide the nourishment the body requires every day.  We cans safely conclude that keeping the digestive system healthy will also contribute to the overall health of a person.


There are several ways in keeping our digestive system healthy. One example would be eating the right food essential in keeping our digestive system healthy. Foods recommended to be included in the diet are those that aid the digestive system in carrying out its function while at the same time keeping it healthy.  The digestive system carries the food through the body and the goal is to help it carry the food in an easier and faster manner.  The longer the food stays, the more upsetting it will be to the body.  Foods that aid in digestion are those rich in digestive enzymes and fiber such as pineapples, papayas, whole grains, raw vegetables, sprouts, and fruits.  The digestive enzymes help digest the food while the fiber adds more bulk to fecal material and aids in evacuating the waste from the body.


Keeping a healthy digestive system not only means adding food to the diet but also getting rid of certain food choices, excluding them from your diet.  People should remember to moderate the intake of processed foods especially junk foods and foods rich in fat. This will only slow down the digestion process and prove detrimental to the digestive organs.


Exercising regularly will also help a person in keeping his or her digestive system healthy.  Maintaining regular exercise will ward off constipation and contributes to avoiding weight gain and managing stress.  It is important to engage in exercise at least 30 minutes daily in order to maintain a healthy digestive system.


With several and various ways in taking care of our digestive system, it won’t be that impossible to keep it in a healthy state.