shutterstock_1744096_MediumAnger is an intense emotional feeling that stems from frustration, threat, or disappointment. It is considered as a healthy emotional outlet as it enables the individual to express his/her feelings and reach a positive problem-solving approach. However, when anger becomes destructive, escalating to heights that makes the person feel that he/she should hurt something or someone, this can now be called the destructive form of anger and is unhealthy and dangerous.


In society, the expression of anger is considered taboo, and while most of us are able to constructively channel our anger and use assertive training techniques, there are some others who are unable to control their frustration and reach extreme heights of anger that is irrational and uncontrollable. This is a hazard not only to the person at which the anger is aimed at, but to the one experiencing the anger as well. Most angry people tend to hurt themselves or others, as they have a very low tolerance for frustration. They are mostly impatient, and see the explosive expression of their feelings as a constructive act.

If you are someone having a hard time managing your anger, there are tips that you can follow so that your anger is brought under control. This is called anger management, and is often advised for people who are easily annoyed or irritated. The first thing to do is to practice relaxation techniques. These techniques include taking deep breaths, counting backwards from 10 to 1, or having a squeeze ball nearby. Another tip that you can practice is to restructure the way you think. Changing the way on how you view things in a more positive note can leave you feeling better about yourself and lessens feelings of frustration and disappointment. The third thing that you can do is avoidance. If something or someone makes you angry, take some time to calm down or relax before addressing that person or thing. Mentally preparing yourself and allowing your body to unwind is best, so that you won’t subject yourself to fits of anger.

There are other ways that you can control your anger, and by practicing these ways, they become part of your system and allow you to control your episodes of angry outbursts. However, if none of these techniques work or you still feel the need to hurt yourself or another person, it is best that you seek professional help immediately.